Blog: How to improve breast health - the why and how

Welcome back, Women With Vibrators Collective (WWVC)! Today, we've got a rather serious but still sexy topic we want to discuss with you. That topic is how to improve your breast health. 

Caring for your breasts is important at any age. Whether you're curvy, thin, athletic, or anywhere in between. There are several small ways you can work to improve your breast health, and we're here to tell you all about them. 

Your breasts are a critical barometer for your health. By making them a priority, you're prioritising yourself and your well-being. Breasts are a massive resource of pleasure and eroticism, so treat yours with the love and respect they deserve!

What is Normal for Your Breasts

Not everyone spends hours gazing at their breasts in the mirror. You don't need to spend hours doing it. But taking a few extra moments each week to monitor them is hugely beneficial.

You're responsible for your health, and monitoring your breasts is vital.

Many women are anxious and doubt their breast normality. There are several things that you may be worried about:

  • Why are my breasts different sizes? Breasts are often slightly different sizes. It's okay if one is larger than the other.
  • Why is one breast lower than the other? It's okay if one hangs lower than the other. Don't worry if one needs a little extra push-up.
  • Is it normal for my breasts to feel tender or painful? Your breasts may feel tender or painful around your period. It's just an indication of different hormones cycling through your body.
  • Why do I have hair near my nipples? Nipples often have at least one, if not more, errant hairs.
  • Why are my nipples in different places on my breast? Breasts are not meant to be perfectly symmetrical. 
  • Why are my boobs sagging? With time and gravity, sometimes the girls begin to hang a bit lower, that’s normal and nothing to worry about.

Your body isn't meant to be perfectly hairless or symmetrical. It's beautiful despite all the parts you see as "flaws." You're perfect just the way you are. 

But noticing these little details is important. Because if there are any sudden changes to your breasts, you'll notice them and be able to get medical advice. 

What Isn't Normal for Your Breasts

While there are a few indicators that something is happening with your breasts, don't panic. If you're worried or unsure, speaking with your doctor should always be your first step.

But how do you know if something is wrong with your breasts? You need to regularly monitor them for small changes. Doing this can help you catch something the moment it happens and thus improve your breast health.  

Speak with your doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • A warm or itching sensation in your breasts
  • Swelling around your armpit, collarbone, or breast(s)
  • Blood or other fluid (other than milk) leaking from your nipples
  • The skin around your nipple becomes dry, red, cracked, or thicker than usual 
  • A firm lump that suddenly arises

Your breasts are a helpful indicator of your overall health. And noticing any sudden changes can be the difference you need to get medical attention. Keep your breasts healthy by giving yourself regular breast examinations.

How to Improve Breast Health

Improving breast health with small, regular changes to your routine is essential. They're more than just barometers for health. They're part of your magnificent body that deserves love, respect, and attention. So, consider making some minor changes to improve your breast health. 

Get to know your breasts

The only way to know if there is some significant change to your breasts is to get to know them. Massaging your breasts, examining how they look, and regularly playing with your nipples are all critical.

Doing this has two main benefits.

First, it helps you figure out when something is wrong.

Second, it can also teach you about the types of breast stimulation you enjoy!

So spend a few extra minutes here and there getting to know your breasts!

Get plenty of exercise

Basically, fat cells create estrogen.

Estrogen is a hormone that has been linked to several types of cancer. Regular exercise can help shrink fat cells and reduce estrogen production. Doing this can lower your risk of cancer by up to 20%.

The exercise doesn't have to be time-consuming, intense, or even in the gym. Try taking the stairs rather than a lift. Walking to the shops rather than driving. Little changes to improve your health add up over time.

In addition, if you want your breasts to stay perkier throughout your life, do chest exercises. Adding additional muscle underneath and behind the breasts can help prevent sagging. Alternatively, you can also spend a few extra hours throughout the day without a bra. Doing this promotes circulation and helps build that under-titty strength!

Eat a balanced, healthy diet

Your diet can significantly impact your overall breast health. It also holds great weight when it comes to your well-being. Try incorporating a few of these diet tips to improve your breast health and your self-confidence:

  • Focus on healthier fats like those found in olive oil, nuts, olives, and avocados.
  • Limit how much processed meat and red meat you consume.
  • Opt to eat more beans, chicken, fish, and other sources of lean protein.
  • Choose 100% whole grain foods such as quinoa, brown rice, and whole grain bread.
  • Shoot to consume at least 2 ⅕ cups of vegetables and fruit daily.
  • Reduce the amount of unhealthier fats you consume. These are often found in deli meats, full-fat dairy, doughnuts, and other less-than-healthy foods.

Minor tweaks and adjustments to your diet can help you maintain a healthy weight and, thus, improve your breast health. 

Get screened for breast cancer

Getting screened for breast cancer regularly is critical for your breast's health.

It can help you catch something wrong before it gets out of hand.

The main rules here are:

  1. In your 20s and 30s, you should get a clinical breast exam every three years.
  2. Start getting mammograms in your 30s.
  3. In your 40s and above, it's important to make these practices an annual event.

Getting annual mammograms and clinical exams will help you monitor your breast health. 

While it may be nerve-wracking to have a doctor massage your breasts, it's integral to self-care. Realising it'll only take a few minutes and could help extend your life. 

Don't panic over every bump

Breasts get bumps regularly. Even internally.

Not every lump and bump you feel is something to panic over. So don't freak out or deny if you find a lump during your self-examinations.

Often, the ones you find are a cyst or something similar.

These are totally normal and nothing to panic over. But if you find a lump, speak with your doctor. That way you can have it examined quickly and figure out if it's a threat to your health.

Watch alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol regularly isn't healthy.

That is one of the few things the medical community can agree on regarding alcohol.

A metastudy showed that women who consume more than three standards daily elevate their breast cancer risk by 1.5 times. 

Try to keep it to one standard a day or less if you're trying to improve your breast health. 

And if you are tempted to have a drink or two, opt for a glass of red wine. Red wine has been shown to contain powerful antioxidants that benefit your health. 

Take care of your mental health

There have been some studies that link psychological factors to an increased risk for cancer.

It may be because stress and anxiety can lead to overindulging in food, drink, or something else.

Regardless, try and practice deep breathing, meditation, and getting a dose of laughter regularly. 

Improving your breast health

Your breasts are part of your body and deserve reverence, attention and respect. Both inside the bedroom and out.

So, take measures to improve your breast health with daily choices. Your health is important to us here at Joy for Women, so please, take care of yourself in every way you can! We love and appreciate you!


 Get out there, Get in there, and Get off there!


Elaine S. Turner

Resident Sexologist | Sex, Dating, & Relationship Coach | Pleasure Product Guru


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